Homelessness is a complex issue that is often misunderstood and surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Clearing up these misconceptions is important for improving understanding of the issue and developing effective solutions. Here are some of the most common myths about homelessness:

Myth: Homeless people are lazy and don’t want to work

Photo credit: Hub Outreach Team

Fact: Many people experiencing homelessness face significant barriers to employment, such as lack of education or job training, mental health issues, or criminal records. Additionally, low wages, lack of affordable housing, and high cost of living make it difficult for some people to afford housing even with a job.

Myth: Homelessness is only an issue in big cities

Photo credit: Hub Outreach Team

Fact: Homelessness affects communities of all sizes, both urban and rural areas. Rural homelessness can be more invisible and harder to identify and count, but it exists and affects people’s lives.

Myth: Homelessness is only a problem for people with addiction or mental health issues.

Photo credit: Hub Outreach Team

Fact: While addiction and mental health issues can contribute to homelessness, they are not the only causes. Economic factors, such as lack of affordable housing and low-paying jobs, can also play a significant role.

Myth: Providing services to individuals experiencing homelessness will only attract more individuals to the area.

Photo credit: Hub Outreach Team

Fact: Studies have shown that providing services to individuals experiencing homelessness, such as housing and case management, can actually reduce the number of homeless people in an area.

Myth: Individuals experiencing homelessness are all the same and share the same characteristics.

Photo credit: Hub Outreach Team

Fact: Homelessness affects people from all walks of life, and people experiencing homelessness have diverse backgrounds, experiences, and needs.

At the Hub our mission is to connect individuals with the resources they need to begin their journey out of homelessness.

It is important to understand that homelessness is a complex issue that has many causes, and it can be difficult to address all of them at once. It requires a multi-disciplinary approach and addressing the various aspects that can lead to homelessness. It is important to continue working towards solutions to homelessness. We believe it is a solvable problem and by working together, we can make progress in reducing the number of individuals experiencing homelessness.